Friday, July 4, 2014

Peaks and Valleys

"Why is there always crap in the valleys........"

"Well, I've got open eyes,
And an open door", Passenger

The path is long, filled with peaks and valleys. Smooth soft sand in spots. Tree roots and rocks in others.
Narrow, 18 inches wide in most spots. 
The destination is somewhere up ahead. The path changes over and over again as it winds it's way through trees and open meadows.
There is a stream that flows beside the path. 
Fallen trees.

Whether smooth or rocky the footing can be difficult.

Three songs play over and over again in my ears.
"What would love do" "Crash" "Dying to live" by Scott Stapp

"Go ahead and throw it in my face, remind me of each of my mistakes...... What would love do" Scott Stapp

My footing slips...... 

The path turns downward.....

At the bottom of the hill there is something on the path. It looks like its breathing.

"A pile of horse crap!" Covered in flies.

Isn't it funny, life brings us peaks and valleys. Low times and mountain top experiences. 

I was on the mountain, but life brought a path that lead to a valley.

In the valley did I say, "this way is full of shit?"

A decision......
"Step around" (take the long way around), "Step over" (expend the additional energy to keep going, "Step in it" (smell like shit but keep plugging along).

"When you get too high you crash,
Suddenly I feel my feet again,
Standing in the place where I once fell over the edge...." Scott Stapp

Go ahead step over it. It's the shortest way to pass!.

The path turns up.
It's going up right? Life is looking better! 


There's something on the path again. It looks like its breathing!

Really!!!!! It can't be. 

"A pile of horse crap". Covered in flies!.

That's not supposed to be there.  The mountain top is supposed to be clear.

"Isn't it!!!!!"

The view is certainly nice. 

My life has been full of many, many ups and downs.
Smooth paths!
Rocky paths!
Isn't that the way most people view their lives?

The path. No matter whether it has been represented by a valley or a mountaintop, has at times had crap on it. 
And the decision has been made.........

"Step around" (take the long way around), "Step over" (expend the additional energy to keep going, "Step in it" (smell like shit but keep plugging along).

"I'm dying to breath in every moment,
I'm dying to make up for lost time,
I'm dying to let go and finally feel what real love is,
I'm dying to start this whole thing over,
I'm dying to see with brand new eyes,
I'm dying to love myself enough to just forgive.

I'm dying to live"
Scott Stapp

My hike along the path of the day was to a place called Four Mile Falls. 

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