Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cast me gently into morning.......

"Cast me gently, into morning, for the night has been unkind"
Sara McLachlan, Answer

Ever wake in the middle of the night with the feeling that there is someone, something there? That uneasy feeling. Is it real or still in a dream state? You open your eyes to search the room as much as possible without moving. For fear if you do move and it is really someone there. Why? In the dark, the only light is coming from either the moon or the night light plugged into the wall socket across the room. Is it just a shadow? A tree branch outside? Your pet sleeping lazily besides your bed? You don't see anything with your limited search so you raise your head and look around. Eyes straining to look into the shadows of the night. It's nothing. There is nothing there! But still you have a feeling that something or someone woke you for some reason. God? Was that you?

What was that? Are you going crazy? The minutes pass while trying to answer the question that keep you awake. Your mind races. If you finally fall asleep you wake the next morning with many questions.

As I have said I believe in God but I also believe in a spirit world beyond in which we can be contacted in many ways. I believe as we sleep our subconscious is open to much more than when we are awake. In our daily lives with all the things that go on around us we often "miss" some things that we may be meant to see or glean. In our hurried world we are often move too rapidly to just stop and listen.

My life has changed quite a bit lately in this area. This blog was an idea that one day came to me when I had woken up from sleep and the two words "Perceived Presence" were the first things that came to my mind. Now anyone that knows me quite well will tell you that for me to have two words like that come into my vocabulary and together would have to say they came from someone or something else. Since that day the words have in many ways "haunted" me. It seems as if they are ever present in my life. I have had feelings of things such as this before but now whenever they come my way I am not as quick to write them off. I read a book recently called the "Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. The basic premise of the book is that there were these prophecies given along time ago in an ancient manuscript to the natives of Peru. The first of these prophecies speaks that as we more forward in time we will begin more and more to recognize that there are no coincidences in life. "That these coincidences feel destined, as though our life had been guided by some unexplained force". I believe this more and more as my life progresses. These events of "Perceived Presence" are there for a reason. Stop and listen.

The other night I was awoken from what I believed to be a deep sleep to feel a presence in the room with Danese and I. There was no fear associated with this presence. I just new there was something there. What became apparent to me over the next fews days was that the time in the middle of the night that this had happened was as important to me as the event itself. Over the next few nights I would wake up at the same time every single night, 3:45. I sleep like most with a clock on the night stand next to me. My clock happens to have the ability to set two separate alarm times. I have not had to use this alarm in my weeks. One Thursday night I seemed to be in deep sleep and to my surprise the alarm went off. Nor Danese or I had set the alarm to go off. But the weird thing is that the alarm went off at 3:45!

Ok God speak to me!

There are times when things like this happen. Am I fully aware of the significance of the time 3:45, no. But I know beyond a doubt it does mean something. The one thing I do know is that my next post is to be titled "Three, Four, Five". Not sure what I'll say but I will know when the time comes.

1 comment:

  1. Love this entry, pops. I wonder who it may be that is there in your room...
