Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Fly Like an Eagle"

"I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free"

"Words". Spoken. Written. Sung. Combined into sentences to convey a thought, feeling or an emotion. Words tell a story. Words can bring us to a deeper understanding of ourselves. They can be the beginning of change. The art of story telling is at the center of an oral tradition. Story telling has been used throughout history to remember the past, bring to life myths and traditions. Even preachers have used story telling to convey thoughts and teachings. Parables. On the surface, parables are a story of life. Deep inside these stories they deliver a meaning that can be different to many, many people. The storyteller can enhance the actual story by making an art form out of the delivery. Words formed into stories can evoke feelings that there is someone telling us to listen deeper. A "Perceived Presence". Someone speaking directly to us from deep within the words.

There was a farmer that lived on land that stretched from where you stood the ends of the earth. On this farm the farmer had crops and livestock. Out early one morning while tilling the ground the farmer noticed a baby bird laying in the shade of a great big oak tree. Seeing this helpless bird caused the farmer to pause from the task at hand. What happened? Where did it come from? Looking up the farmer did not see a nest or a mother bird around. So the farmer gathered the baby bird gently in his arms and took it home. Over the next few months the farmer nurtured this baby bird as it grew. As this bird continued to grow the farmer realized he could not keep this bird in a cage inside his house so the farmer put the bird in with the chickens in the chicken coop. This bid continued to grow and seemed very happy with is surroundings. One day a traveling salesman came by and noticed this bird in with the chickens. The salesman questioned the farmer and the farmer recounted the story of how he had found this baby chick in the field underneath the Oak tree. The salesman asked the farmer if he realized what kind of bird this was that he had living in the chicken coop. "This is not right for this eagle to be living in with the chickens". Feeling remorse after the salesman had left the farmer opened the chicken coop and brought the bird out of the fenced in area and set it on the ground. The farmer said to the bird, " fly, you are free". The eagle looked around and looked at the farmer who had taken care of it and just walked back into the chicken coop. Several days later the farmer tried again, this time bringing the eagle to a fence and setting it up on the highest post. This time the eagle did initially spread its wings as if realizing it's purpose in life. But the eagle then again looked around at it's familiar surroundings, it looked at the farmer and jumped down on the ground and walked back into the chicken coop. Several days later, the farmer tried once more. But this time he took the eagle to the top of the barn, high above the ground. The farmer thinking that once this bird sees this perspective of life it will surely want to fly. The eagle again looked around. Spreading it's massive and majestic wings. From this vantage point the eagle could see more than it had ever seen before. The bird even looked like it was ready to fly. He continued to look around. Looking at the familiar chicken coop below. The farmer even said to this bird, "spread your wings, reach for your destiny". But much to the farmers dismay, when the eagle did finally fly, he flew straight back to the coop far below. To the "comfort" of the familiar surroundings.

This was a story that I had heard many years ago in the middle of the night on the radio on my way to work. It had deeply touched me then. Put into the memory banks of my mind. Always there. Just the other day, as I was riding my bicycle the story of the eagle came back to me. Now my time out in the fresh air has come to be a time I not only use for exercise but a time to clear my mind. I rode along enjoying the crisp afternoon temperature and fall colors not necessarily thinking about anything in particular. The story of the eagle brought back from the recesses of my mind for some reason. Have you ever thought about why this happens? A thought about something or someone that you have not remembered in a long long time. What starts the process of remembering? Could it be possible that our minds are just searching for answers? Our uncluttered mind scanning our memories, reading the stories of our past. Drawing on all the experiences and emotions stored in our mind. As if trying to open us up and enlighten us in some way. It is as if someone or something reaches in and pushes that memory to the front for some specific purpose. Dreams. Ever awake from a dream and say "where did that come from"? A jumbled story of events. Twisted perceptions of real life events. It's as if someone or something has put together memories and experiences in our lives into a story. A story teller using our subconscious to create a picture. A "Perceived Presence".

On my journey of spiritual awakening, there have been many, many times in which I have wanted to "spread" my wings. Only to return to familiar surroundings. The fear of not knowing where I am going has kept me from just going. The fear of not understanding. "You want me to do what"? "You're showing this to me for,,,,,?. That voice inside saying, "did you really hear that". That same voice saying, "this is all you deserve". Those times in the middle of the night where it felt like someone was directing me. Do we sometimes negate the leading of these thoughts and feelings because we are afraid? Being in a comfortable place, enjoying our surroundings. Our own lowered self esteem putting up a battle for us to spread our wings.

You see in this story of the eagle, majestic as it was, it had come to think that the chicken coop was where comfort and safety were. Listen to your heart. Listen to the whisper of that inner voice that speaks to you at odd times.

Let your wings spread.

"I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free"

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